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WiRL Lab Director Dr. Nicole Mead (second on left) and her collaborators

Recent and Current Research 

Our research seeks to improve personal, societal, and environmental well-being, primarily through improving self-control. Below we summarize a few recent and ongoing projects. Please see our publications page for a complete list of projects and papers. Please feel free to send us an email if you would like to learn more!

Why is Self-Control Important?

cartoon of a gear with an arrow and a clock inside a head

What do healthy eating, exercising, financial saving, honesty, social harmony, and sustainability all have in common? Self-control! That is, they all require people to forego an immediate desire (e.g., skipping an unnecessary purchase or illegally dipping into the company coffers) in order to implement the behavior that is beneficial in the long-run (e.g., financial and environmental well-being or honesty).


Because self-control failure generates substantial personal and societal costs, we try to understand how self-control works so we can improve it. In this way, we can try to help people live their best lives, such as by eating healthier (e.g., Mead and Patrick 2016), being more productive and happy (Mead, Patrick, Gunadi, and Hoffman 2016), and saving more money (Garbinsky, Mead, and Gregg 2021).


In the following slides, we provide an overview of ongoing work in two areas where a better understanding of self-control may help to solve some timely and pressing problems, particularly among vulnerable people. Please see our publications page for more details.


Photo of Lawrence Williams

Lawrence Williams

Associate Professor of Marketing

Chair, Professional Effectiveness Division

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Leeds School of Business,

University of Colorado

Photo of Kathleen Vohs

Kathleen Vohs

Distinguished Chair in Marketing

Land O'Lakes Chair in Marketing

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Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

Photo of Raffaele Conti

Raffaele Conti

Professor of Management

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ESSEC Business School

Photo of Emily Garbinsky

Emily Garbinsky

Associate Professor of Marketing

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SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University

Photo of Jen Overbeck

Jen Overbeck

Associate Professor of Management

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Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne

Photo of Roy Baumeister

Roy Baumeister

Emeritus Professor of Psychology

President-Elect, International Positive Psychology Association

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Florida State University;

University of Queensland

Photo of Amy Muise

Amy Muise

Associate Professor of Psychology

York Research Chair in Relationships and Sexuality

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York University

Photo of Nailya Ordabayeva

Nailya Ordabayeva

Associate Professor of Marketing

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Carroll School of Management,

Boston College

Photo of Daniel Gregg

Daniel Gregg

Director/Founder of Econ-Lab Economic Analysis and Interventions

Director/Co-Founder of Intersection Traders (smallholder-inclusive coffee supply chains)

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University of New England, Australia

Photo of Kobe Millet

Kobe Millet

Associate Professor of Marketing

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School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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