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Library of published books and articles


Journal Articles

* student co-author under my supervision † Authors contributed equally

*Zenkić, Jay, Nicole L. Mead, Kobe Millet (2024), “When Cash Costs You: Consumers Spend More When Carrying Coins than Same Denomination Banknotes,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 34(4), 641-49. Open Access.

*Zenkić, Jay, Kobe Millet, and Nicole L. Mead (2023), "Fairness is Based on Quality, Not Just Quantity," Judgement and Decision Making, 18(e22) (July), 1-10. Open Access.

Madan, Shilpa, Gita Venkataramani Johar, Jonah Berger, Pierre Chandon, Rajesh Chandy, Rebecca Hamilton, Leslie John, Aparna Labroo, Peggy J. Liu, John G. Lynch Jr., Nina Mazar, Nicole L. Mead, Vikas Mittal, Christine Moorman, Michael I. Norton, John Roberts, Dilip Soman, Madhu Viswanathan, and Katherine White (2023), “Reaching for Rigor and Relevance: Better Marketing Research for a Better World,” Marketing Letters, 34 (March), 1-12. 

†Mead, Nicole L. and Lawrence E. Williams (2023), “The Pursuit of Meaning and the Preference for Less Expensive Options,” Journal of Consumer Research, 49 (5), 741-61.

†Mead, Nicole L. and Lawrence E. Williams (2022), “Can’t Buy Me Meaning? Lay Theories Impede People from Deriving Meaning and Well-Being from Consumption,” Current Opinion in Psychology, 46 (August), 101332.

Vohs, Kathleen D., Brandon J. Schmeichel, Sophie Lohmann, Quentin F. Gronau, Anna Finley,….E.J. Wagenmakers, and Dolores Albarracín (2021), "A Multi-Site Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego Depletion Effect”, Psychological Science, 32 (10), 1566-81.

Garbinsky, Emily, Nicole L. Mead, and Daniel Gregg (2021), “Popping the Positive Illusion of Financial Responsibility Can Increase Personal Savings: Applications in Emerging and Western Markets,” Journal of Marketing (Special Issue: Better Marketing for a Better World), 85 (3), 97-112. 

Mead, Nicole L. and Roy F. Baumeister (2021), “Do Objects Fuel Thyself? The Relationship Between Objects and Self-Regulation,” Current Opinion in Psychology, 39 (June), 16-19. 

*Stuppy, Anika, Nicole L. Mead, and Stijn M. J. van Osselaer (2020), “I am, Therefore I Buy: Low Self-esteem and the Pursuit of Self-Verifying Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (5), 956-73.

Open Access.

Mead, Nicole L., Roy F. Baumeister, *Anika Stuppy, and Kathleen D. Vohs (2018), “Power Increases the Socially Toxic Component of Narcissism Among Individuals with High Baseline Testosterone," Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147 (4), 591-96. 

Mead, Nicole L., Vanessa M. Patrick, *Manissa P. Gunadi and Wilhelm Hofmann (2016), “Simple Pleasures, Small Annoyances, and Goal Progress in Daily Life,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1 (4), 527-39. 

Mead, Nicole L. and Vanessa M. Patrick (2016), “The Taming of Desire: Unspecific Postponement Reduces Desire for and Consumption of Postponed Pleasures,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110 (1), 20-35. 

Savani, Krishna, Nicole L. Mead, Tyler F. Stillman, and Kathleen D. Vohs (2016), “No Match for Money: Even in Intimate Relationships and Collectivistic Cultures Reminders of Money Weaken Sociomoral Responses,” Self and Identity, 15 (3), 342-55. 

Yang, Qing, Xiaochang Wu, Xinyue Zhou, Nicole L. Mead, Kathleen D. Vohs, and Roy F. Baumeister (2013), “Diverging Effects of Clean Versus Dirty Money on Attitudes, Values, and Interpersonal Behavior,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104 (3), 473-89. 

Mead, Nicole L. and Jon K. Maner (2012), “When Me vs. You Becomes Us vs. Them: How Intergroup Competition Shapes Ingroup Psychology,” Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6 (8), 566-74.

Mead, Nicole L. and Jon K. Maner (2012), “On Keeping Your Enemies Close: Power Causes People to Seek Proximity to Ingroup Power-Threats,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102 (3), 576-91. 

Gino, Francesca, Maurice E. Schweitzer, Nicole L. Mead, and Dan Ariely (2011), “Unable to Resist Temptation: How Self-Control Depletion Promotes Unethical Behavior,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115 (2), 191-203.

  • All the studies in this paper were conducted by the first author, Francesca Gino. I do not have access to the data, and I no longer have confidence in the empirical claims made in this article. I am discussing retracting the paper with the other co-authors and the journal.

Mead, Nicole L., Roy F. Baumeister, Tyler F. Stillman, Catherine D. Rawn, and Kathleen D. Vohs (2011), “Social Exclusion Causes People to Spend and Consume in the Service of Affiliation,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37

 (5) (February), 902-919. 

Dewall, C. Nathan, Roy F. Baumeister, Nicole L. Mead, and Kathleen D. Vohs (2011), “How Leaders Self-Regulate their Task Performance: Evidence that Power Promotes Diligence, Depletion, and Disdain,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100 (1), 47-65. 

†Maner, Jon K. and Nicole L. Mead (2010), “The Essential Tension Between Leadership and Power: When Leaders Sacrifice Group Goals for the Sake of Self-Interest,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99 (3), 482-97. 

Caruso, Eugene M., Nicole L. Mead, and Emily Balcetis (2009), “Political Partisanship Influences Perception of Biracial Candidates’ Skin Tone,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (48), 20168-73. Open Access.

Mead, Nicole L., Roy F. Baumeister, Francesca Gino, Maurice E. Schweitzer, and Dan Ariely (2009), “Too Tired to Tell the Truth: Self-Control Resource Depletion and Dishonesty,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45 (3), 594-97. 

  • The data for both studies were collected by the first author, Nicole Mead, before Francesca Gino joined the project.

Vohs, Kathleen D., Nicole L. Mead, and Miranda R. Goode (2008), “Merely Activating the Concept of Money Changes Personal and Interpersonal Behavior,” Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17 (3), 208-12. 

Baumeister, Roy F., Nathan C. DeWall, Nicole L. Mead, and Kathleen D. Vohs (2008), “Social Rejection can Reduce Pain and Increase Spending. Further Evidence that Money, Pain, and Belongingness are Interrelated,” Psychological Inquiry, 19 (3), 145-47. 

Vohs, Kathleen D., Nicole L. Mead, and Miranda R. Goode (2006), “The Psychological Consequences of Money,” Science, 314 (5802), 1154-56. 


DeWall, C. Nathan, Roy F. Baumeister, Nicole L. Mead, & Kathleen D. Vohs D (2018), “How Leaders Self-Regulate their Task Performance: Evidence that Power Promotes Diligence, Depletion, and Disdain,” in Self-Regulation and Self-Control: Selected Works of Roy F. Baumeister. Taylor and Francis, 340-78.

*Stuppy, Anika and Nicole L. Mead (2016), “Heroic Leaders and Despotic Tyrants: How Power and Status Shape Leadership Outcomes” in Handbook of Heroic Leadership, Vol. 1, eds. Scott T. Allison, George R. Goethals, and Roderick M. Kramer, New York, NY: Routledge, 476-94. 

Mead, Nicole L., and *Anika Stuppy (2014), “Money can Promote or Hinder Interpersonal Harmony,” in The Psychological Science of Money, ed. E. H. Biljleveld and H. Aarts, New York, NY: Springer, 243-62. 

Mead, Nicole L., *Jessica L. Alquist, and Roy F. Baumeister (2010), “Ego Depletion and the Limited Resource Model of Self-Control,” in Self Control in Society, Mind, and Brain, ed. R. R. Hassin, K. N. Ochsner, and Y. Trope, New York: Oxford University Press, 375-88. 

Gailliot, Matthew T., Nicole L. Mead, and Roy F. Baumeister (2008), “Self-Regulation,” In Handbook of Personality: Theory and research, ed. O. John, R. Robins, and L. Pervin, New York: Guilford, 472-91.

Rawn, Catherine D., Nicole L. Mead, Peter Kerkhof, and Kathleen D. Vohs (2007), “Decision Making Trade Offs after Ego Threat: Taking Care of the Self versus Taking Care of Others Depends on Level of Self-Esteem,” in Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decision Making? A Hedgefoxian perspective, ed. K. D. Vohs, R. F. Baumeister, and G. Loewenstein, New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 157-82.

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